Rockwall Fire Department


The Rockwall Fire Department is dedicated to providing many public education programs designed to benefit the residents of Rockwall. We provide these services by offering youth, adult and senior safety and injury prevention education throughout our community. 


Presentations are made throughout the community on a variety of safety issues including: home and workplace fire safety, weather preparedness, and many others.  To schedule a presentation, submit request form below or call the Rockwall Fire Marshal Division at (972) 771-7774.


Fire & Life Safety Presentation Request Form

Programs Offered:

  • Remember When: A Fire and Fall Prevention Program for Older Adults
  • Fire Safety Inflatable House
  • Mobile Fire Safety House, with tornado simulator and fire sprinkler room
  • Daycare/Child Care Center Fire Safety Programs

Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)CERT -
Community Emergency Response Team


In 2005, the Rockwall Fire Department developed a CERT program to promote a partnering effort between emergency services and the people they serve. In every emergency, quick response from a trained person is essential. When disaster strikes, emergency services are quickly overwhelmed and have limited capabilities, leaving families and neighborhoods to support and care for themselves until emergency services can arrive. In major disaster, this can take anywhere from a few hours to several days. The goal of CERT is to provide basic response training that individuals can use in their own home, neighborhood, and work place. The volunteer members of Rockwall CERT come from various neighborhoods, community organizations, and workplaces in the City of Rockwall and surrounding areas, making our community more resilient during disasters. CERT members are also called upon during major disasters, structure fires, and wide area searches to operate under the direction of emergency services if more manpower is needed.

“The Nationally Certified FEMA Course is used to teach Rockwall’s CERT members how to perform essential life-saving functions while awaiting the arrival of professional emergency responders. The course will be taught by a Certified CERT Instructor. There is NO charge to participate.
Interest Form

Citizens's Fire AcademyCFA - Citizen's Fire Academy
Rockwall Citizen's Fire Academy is a great opportunity for persons that reside or work in the City of Rockwall who want to know more about thier fire department.


April 3rd- May 22nd on Thursday evenings from 6:30p-9:30pm and on

Saturday the 17th 8am-noon.

The Academy meets at Fire Station #2 located at: 920 Rockwall Parkway.

Recruits must be at least 18 years old, or 16 years old with the consent of an adult parent or guardian.


Sign Up Here...


The Rockwall Fire Explorer program is sponsored by the City of Rockwall Fire Department. 

The objective is to give youth of the Rockwall area an opportunity to explore firefighting careers through training, leadership and service.  The program is designed to give students a hands-on experience of the career of firefighting, emergency medical services, fire prevention, fire investigations and public education.


After meeting the entrance requirements, Explorers will be given an opportunity to qualify for our program.  Explorers will be trained on firefighting skills, hose lay evolutions, ladder techniques, salvage operation, proper use of firefighting tools and equipment, breathing apparatus use and other related topics.


Once Explorers successfully complete the Basic Training Process, including exams and skill assessment, they will be qualified to ride along on Rockwall Fire Department emergency vehicles and respond to actual fire and medical emergencies. During these ride alongs, Explorers will use the training they received in the program to assist Department personnel at emergency incidents and participate in other station activities, and city-wide public education events.  



Portable fire extinguishers are required in many locations including businesses, schools, apartments, hotels and motels and just about any public assembly. Proper use of a portable fire extinguisher can put out a small fire or control it until the fire department arrives. Do you know how to use one? While operation of most portable fire extinguishers is simple, hands-on training is the best way to ensure timely and efficient operation in an emergency.


The Rockwall Fire Department provides fire extinguisher training to businesses, schools, civic associations and just about any interested group. The training includes a classroom presentation followed by hands-on, live fire training. Casual dress is encouraged for this class.


Cost: $5.00 per person

Fee is waived if you provide your own fire extinguishers.  Generally, one 10-pound ABC fire extinguisher for every four people participating in the live-fire training is required.


To schedule a Fire Extinguisher training class, submit class request form below or call the Rockwall Fire Marshal Division at (972) 771-7774.


Fire Extinguisher Training Class Request Form


The Rockwall Fire Department, in an effort to keep our residents safe from fire, offers a free home inspection. This home inspection is offered to City of Rockwall residents only.

A Home Fire Safety Checklist to inspect your own home, and an Escape Plan Map grid to plan your escape routes, can be downloaded from the Fire Marshal Page.

Fire safety in the home should involve the entire family, young and elderly alike. We appreciate your efforts in helping keep our city fire-safe and look forward to a request to visit your home.

Home fire safety inspections can be scheduled between the hours of 9:00 am and 3:00 pm, Monday through Friday. For more information or to schedule an inspection, please contact us at (972) 771-7774.


First Session: June 10th - 14th

Second Session: June 17th - 21st

All Participants must be ages 10-12 at the start of the sessions.

Both sessions are full. To be placed on the wating list,
please send an email to:


The Rockwall Fire Department’s goal is to prevent fires and fire related injuries through public education and community outreach to benefit the residents of Rockwall. 


This is an educational program designed to educate parents and children about fire safety and the consequences of fire. Each family will meet individually with a fire investigator trained in fire setting intervention techniques.  This class will cover fire safety topics, consequences of fire setting, and arson laws in Texas.  The fire investigator will discuss and help the family better understand how to deal with the problem. If a child is beyond what fire safety education can resolve, we can provide assistance by referring you to the most appropriate help for your needs. 

There is no cost for the individual sessions. For more information or to request a session, please call our office at (972) 771-7774.


Parent's Guide (English) | Parent's Guide (Spanish)


  • MYTH: It is normal for children to play with fire.
  • FACT: While curiosity about fire is common, use without a parent's approval or knowledge is dangerous.

  • MYTH: If you burn a child's hand, they will stop.
  • FACT: Burns only create fear and scars. The reason behind fire use must be discovered and addressed.

  • MYTH: It is a phase the child will grow out of.
  • FACT: It is not a phase. It is a dangerous behavior. You cannot afford to wait for fire behavior to change.

  • MYTH: Some children are obsessed with fire.
  • FACT: In reality, very few children are obsessed or would be considered pyromaniacs.

REMEMBER: If you are uncomfortable with your ability to deal with your child's firesetting behavior, call the Rockwall Fire Marshal Division for additional help. (972) 771-7774. A parent can do a lot to prevent children from being involved with fire. Children look to parents for guidance, leadership, and as a role model. Listed below are some tips to help you deal with Firesetting behaviors you might encounter.

  • Lead by example. You cannot expect your child to treat fire any differently than you do.
  • Explain why they cannot use fire. Simply saying DON'T is not good enough. Think about how you react when you are told that.
  • Treat matches and lighters like tools. Give these items the same respect you would other dangerous tools around your home (for example: knives, kitchen appliances, hammers, etc.)
  • Keep matches and lighters out of reach of all children. Most children are only involved with fire because it is available.
  • Reward children for making right decisions with matches and lighters. Also, make clear the punishment for the wrong use of matches and lighters.

The Rockwall Fire Department welcomes tours of the fire stations. Guided tours of local fire stations are provided free of charge to residents as part of the Department’s public education program.

When scheduling your tour please keep the following tips in mind:

  • Station tours last approximately 30 minutes and include viewing the fire engine, firefighting equipment, fire gear and a short presentation concerning fire safety.
  • Tour may be scheduled between the hours of 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM, 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM, and 6:30 to 7:30 PM, Monday through Saturday.
  • Firefighters have a busy schedule, so tours should be scheduled as far in advance as possible. This allows us a greater opportunity to accommodate the date and time of your request.
  • Groups should be no larger than 25 persons including children and adults, unless otherwise approved. There should be one adult chaperone for every five children age 5 or older.
  • Children under the age of 5 are frequently frightened by the noises and surroundings and do not understand the tour information.  There must be one adult chaperone for every child under the age of 5. Carpooling groups to the fire station is encouraged due to a very limited number of parking spaces. Street parking is not available at many fire stations.
  • Please understand your tour may be interrupted. Fire Stations must remain “in service” during tours and the firefighters may need to respond to emergencies. If they do, it will be necessary for the tour to end and your group to exit the station. If your tour is interrupted by an emergency call, you will be given the opportunity to reschedule your visit.
  • If firefighters are not at the station when your group arrives, they are out on an emergency call. We recommend you wait 15 minutes for their return. If they do not return in that time, it will be necessary to reschedule your tour.
  • Birthday parties are welcome to view the station as part of their event. We ask that you do not hold party festivities such as cake, ice cream or gifts at the station. Please do not bring food or drinks into the fire station during tours.


  • For small groups of four people or less you can just stop by your local fire station. If the crew is not busy they will be happy to show you the station. Stations are open to the public 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Monday through Saturday. No special reservation is required for individuals.


Fire trucks may be scheduled for a Show and Tell appearance for the following groups:

  • Schools & Childcare Facilities
  • Neighborhood Associations
  • Special events such as Block Parties, Safety Fairs, Fire Safety Presentations, and Career Days.

Fire trucks may be scheduled for a maximum of two hours between the hours of 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM, 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM, and 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM., Monday through Saturday.


To schedule a tour or show & tell, please call the Rockwall Fire Department Office at (972) 771-7770.

The File of Life proves to be a valuable time-saving tool for EMS personnel. Presently, many emergency medical situations are handled without prior knowledge of the patient's medical background. This innovative solution empowers Rockwall Fire Department and Rockwall County EMS staff to swiftly access an accurate medical history in cases where patients or their relatives are unable to provide one.

This compact kit, measuring around 4 x 5 inches, comprises a red plastic folder and a folded paper form. Featuring a magnetic strip on the back, it can be conveniently attached to your refrigerator for easy access during emergencies. The user-friendly form captures essential details about you, ensuring that medical responders can promptly access crucial medical information, as well as details of your physician and other emergency contacts.

File of Life packets are available at all 4 Rockwall Fire Stations, or Rockwall Fire Admin Office. If you have any questions call (972) 771-7770 or (972) 771-7774.


Here is a link to a fillable PDF document so that you can always keep your information updated.